Adding images to your postsImages can be added to board posts by using the attachment options at the bottom of the posting screen. You will need to ensure your images are less than 150kb each including overhead, which in practice means no more than about 130kb per image, and no more than 4 attachments may be added to any one post. The attachments will need to be either .jpg or .png formats - other uploads will fail.
To make life simple for you, the board will automatically create clickable thumbnails from images larger than 150 pixels in aspect (aspect = height or width), the thumbnails will show below the post and clicking them will open the larger images. Images between 150px and 400px aspect will enlarge to an inline image below the post text, and those over 400px aspect will open in a separate popup window.
This is how a post with images will look: know how daunting it can be to use new facilities the first time, so if you need help please either post a request for help in your topic on the board or email us directly (use the Contact link at the top of the board or send a note via the board's Private Message system to one of the moderators: Anne, Tigerchips, TonyH.)
If you need to resize your images and do not have an image program to do this you can use free software, such as Irfanview, to crop and resize your pictures ready for adding to your post.
If you need help using the program, David Encill has created a useful Irfanview tutorial at which you are welcome to use.
You can download IrfanView from here: