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Author Topic: A Couple of Unknown, But Marked, Jugendstil? Art Nouveau? Secessionist? Pieces  (Read 4889 times)

Offline shantique gal

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 :hlp: Hi everyone!  I have these 2 pieces that are completely eluding me!  First is this tall vase with handpainted birds.  It is marked with the words Vienna Austria beneath the mark.  Does anyone recognize this mark?  I've been allover the net, through all my books, and nada...

Second, I have this gorgeous bowl signed E.(?) Francis.  It looks very much like the sort of "enamel" decoration done by the likes of Longwy or Boch Freres, but I haven't been able to find out anything about this one either.  Any ideas from anyone???

Thank you for any help you can offer!


Offline Pete

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1) LR ? - hard to see. You pic of the mark is not very big and a bit fuzzy

2) Another one ? Or this is the one you bought ?
If the latter then previous owner posted here


Offline shantique gal

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Hi Pete, and thank you for your reply!  I had to laugh when I read your's not a different bowl, it's the same one.  I saw the thread on the forum, liked the bowl, and bid on it!  Since no one there was able to shed any light on it, I thought I'd see if anyone on this forum had any ideas about it.  :)

Good point about the mark photo.  I have the original photo of the mark before I photoshopped it into the collage.  I'll post the singleton here...maybe it will be a bit more legible.  The initials look to me like JKE or JKC, but that's just me.
Here's the other photos...

I've been through Roentgen's,and these 2 reference sites and, but found nothing.  Any ideas? 

Thank you so much!


Offline Pete

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I like the second piece so spent some time googling but the best I came up with were the Ebay auction and forum links. Thanks for your confidence in us here but this forum is very very new (I only joined yesterday !) and as this piece stumped the mavens of P&P at Ebay, I don't hold out much hope here.

I am a member of the AAPA Art Pottery Group at TIAS. They are more likely to know about both of these items. If you are not a member there I'll post them for you.

The first piece(s) would appear to be (Royal) Vienna porcelain but I have been unable to find that mark or indeed any Royal Vienna with this style of decor. Do you own both these 2 pieces with the same birds decor or does one belong to someone else ? The handle of the first puts it squarely in the Jugenstil period & style. The form of the second is more conventional and could be older or more recent.

Its best to do separate posts for each item unless, as in the first case here there are two with the same decor and presumably the same mark ??? As you can see I am already having difficulty in describing which of the first first items I am talking about. You should also make it clear which items you own and which you don't.

Offline shantique gal

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Pete, thank you for your reply.  I do own all the vases in question, although the 2nd bird vase hasn't yet arrived.  I asked the original owner if they knew anything of the vase, but they did not.  When I told them I intended to query some specialty boards; they were kind enough to provide me with photos to use. 

This forum on TIAS sounds very intriguing.  Is it open to new membership?  I'm not familiar with it, but it certainly sounds like something I would enjoy.  I'd sure like more info on it if you care to share!

Your advice about keeping threads dedicated to one item is well-taken.  I debated before I posted, and being a newbie here and a regular on the PGP board, I kind of followed the PGP protocol of grouping multiple queries together--I'm sorry, I won't do it again! 

Offline Sue C

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Hi Sherri, try Crown pottery Burslem they had lot's of different marks and i think your's could be one  :)
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Offline shantique gal

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Hi Sue,

Thank you for your reply!  I assume you mean the mark on the bowl, not the mark on the vase.  I haven't looked into any of the English potteries for the "Francis" signature...that's a very good idea.  I'll see if I can find anything further.  I know absolutely NADA about Burslem, so it will be a good education for me no matter what! 


Offline Sue C

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No Sherri, i meant the vase, still looking for your Francis bowl :)
"you'll Never Walk Alone"
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Offline shantique gal

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Hi Sue,

I thought Burslem was British only??  Am I mistaken?  Did they produce in Vienna, too?? 


Offline shantique gal

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Hi again, Sue (and anyone else popping in!)...

I feel like a real just dawned on me that the mark picture on the vase isn't the clearest and I never mentioned in any of my preceeding posts that the words at the bottom of the vase mark are VIENNA AUSTRIA.  Duh--what a dingbat I am!  I'm sorry...I should have pointed that out in the first post!


Offline Pete

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Hopefully the mark on your second bird piece will be more readable. Comparing glazes, finish and general quality between them will also be an interesting exercise for you.
The signature on the bowl looks genuinely of period to me. I have difficulty in seeing it as a recent hobby piece but I have to tell you that this is not my area of expertise (that is if I have one at all !).


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