Science kits are wonderful - not just for kids, but adults too! That must have been an exciting experience.
My OH remembers his family having an old fashioned radio in the 1950s. They didn't yet have electricity, so their radio had heavy accumulator batteries which they had to take once a week to a local garage to be charged up overnight.
I don't know whether the Gecophone works or not. It should have headphones. I'm not going to attempt getting it to do something, but will wait for my daughter to check it over. She's visiting in a couple of weeks and she can't wait to get her hands on it. I expect I'll give it to her. She's a broadcast engineer at the BBC, which is quite a coincidence, and I know some of her colleagues would like to have a look at it too.
It was quite a bargain Rose
. They seem to sell for a fair old bit, so if my daughter keeps it, it might increase in value over the years.